Full Slab

Precast Slab Pretension product used in the pile slab structure as main road or ramp. Full slab is easy to install. This product is solution for constructing road on poor soil conditions.

Sheet pile which has a flat geometry, so that the bending moment is not too big compared to CCSP, but has a lighterweight which makes the shipping process easier. This sheet pile is suitable for shallow embedment depth retainingwall

Precast concrete that used as facade of building. Easy & fast installation and less formwork & falsework.
Spun Pile
Pile that capable to support axial forces, and bending momemnt. This produt have advantages in bending moment capacity. This product suitavle to use in structure with dominant lateral forces such as bridges and docks. For spun Pile with C-T Connector, this product can be used as retaining wall structure. This product can also be used […]
Electric Poles

Prestress Concrete Poles for Electrical Distribution Line with concrete strength at 28 days : 500 kg/cm2
Concrete Sleeper for Railway

Concrete Sleeper is a kind of railway sleeper made of steel reinforced concrete, with the characteristic of water resistant, sun resistant and corrosion resistant. Which has 2 types of sizes, namely 1067 and 1435.

Sheet pile which has corrugated geometry cause sheet pile to have large bending moment capacity. Sheet pile is suitable for use as a retaining wall with a deep embedment depth. Drive efficiently cause this sheet pile have 1m width
Box Girder

Segmental beam product that has a hollow cross section in the middle. The purpose of this hollow cross section is for efficiency. The advantage of the box girder is that isn’t necessary to cast a deck. So that after the erection, it can proceed to the stage of pavement work or the installation of railroad […]
Box Culvert

Precast channels that have a rectanguler cross section, are generally used as crossing channel on the road or water tunnel but can be used too as a drainage channel on road edge. Product is able to loaded with vertical load such as vehicle load
Beam-Column Precast

This precast building beam and column systems are more practical to do, don’t need a lot of formwork and falsework, so installation time be quicker. Beam-column connection system equipped with prestress component, so the building is more ductile when facing earthquake loads.